The Cambodia production base has obtained many production qualifications and safety certifications issued by many international organizations, including:
National Road 41 (Preah Ang Duong Road), Veal Vong Village, Sen Dei Commune, Samrong Torng District, Kampong Speu Province, and Kingdom of Cambodia
Tel: +855(0)70 279 077
Email: calvin.cheung@mingfaigroup.com
National Road No.41, Veal Vong Village, Sen Dei Commune, Somroung Tong District Kampong Speu Province, Kingdom of Cambodia.
Tel: +855 (0) 9073 9542, +855 (0) 7027 9077
Email: cambodia@mingfaigroup.com
Ming Fai Enterprise (Cambodia) Co., Ltd © 2022. All rights reserved 粤ICP备06045682号
Flat B8, 3/F, Block B, No.1159, National Road No.2, Prek Tanuo Village, Commune of Chak Angre Leu, District of Mean Chey, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
National Road No 41 (Preah Ang Duong Road), Veal Vong Village, Sen Dei Commune, Samrong Tong District, Kampong Speu Province, Kingdom of Cambodia.